Did you know that a lot of Individuals with convectional dentures end up not wearing them due to the simple fact that they don’t stay in place?
Dental implants provide you with a means of ensuring that dentures remain firmly in position.It enables you to carry out your daily activities with confidence.An implant-supported overdenture is a denture that is held in place by implants and attached to them.
Many people have found dental implants procedure to secure their dentures in place to be very successful. As a result, the treatment has gained a lot of popularity as more and more people become aware of its amazing benefits and effectiveness.
In fact, when compared to other implanted surgical devices, it has been reported that dental implants to support dentures have the highest success rate.
An implant-supported overdenture uses some special attachments that snap onto the implants. Like regular dentures, an implant-supported overdenture must be taken out at night for cleaning purposes. It would be best if you also cleaned the gums and implant attachments.
Implant supported overdenture at Bayswater Dentist
Millions of individuals across the globe are missing enough teeth to necessitate the use of conventional dentures. Therefore, most of them face difficulties keeping themselves securely in place, particularly in the lower jaw.If you struggle with loose dentures, you must be familiar with the embarrassment that comes with slipping dentures and the inability to enjoy your favorite foods.
Moreover, denture movement can result in gum ulcers. Having food caught under them during meal times can also be very embarrassing.
Thankfully, there is a solution to make your denture function as intended: by stabilizing it with dental implants.
The benefits of Denture Stabilization
- It enhances the ability to chew properly, resulting in a better diet and enhanced health.
- Enhances speech and confidence.
- Enhances comfort by reducing irritation of the gum tissue.
- Eliminates the expenses and inconvenience associated with denture adhesives.
- Often, it is feasible to use your current denture.
- The procedure is minimally invasive.